Go Mobile or Go Home

tagSonar • May 21, 2020

Mobile First for SEO site design, responsive UI/UX and first customer touch point

You may have just launched a business website. This means a lot when it comes to building an online presence and brand persona. It’s hardly a place to stop, though, particularly if you have yet to optimize your site for a mobile interface. Failure to do so, both for iOS and Android platforms, could mean you’re squandering serious financial opportunity. Here’s why.

More than 80% of Americans use their mobile phone to access the internet, while over 50% percent of all web traffic goes through a mobile interface. Chances are you’ve visited a website using your mobile phone, only to discover the images and text didn’t fit on your screen. This usually means the website is optimized for a home computer, but not your mobile phone. When you’ve come across a site like this, do you stick around long? Unlikely. Think about a potential customer visiting your site if it looks clunky on their phone. Might they head for your competitor’s mobile-friendly site? Don’t take that chance.

People use their mobile phones to access the internet for all kinds of reasons. Maybe they’re waiting in line for tickets at the local movie theater and suddenly remember they need to buy a product you sell. Or maybe they’re killing time on Instagram while they wait inside the lobby at their dentist. Targeted social-media ads are a great way to increase brand visibility, drive site traffic, and boost sales. When they click on your ad, make sure your site looks mobile pretty. Or it could cost you.

So, you’ve optimized your business site for the mobile webscape. You’re done, right? You’ve likely entered the home stretch, but don’t stick a proverbial fork in your site just yet. Does your site feature quality UX/UI? Put another way, is it inviting to look at? Easy to use and navigate? How do the font styles and colors look? Do site images jibe with your company’s vision? These questions and more can be answered through consumer testing.

All of this might sound like a lot. You’re right it is. Fortunately, you have a friend in your corner — tagSonar.

  • Increase site traffic, leads, and sales

    Websites that aren’t optimized for mobile typically have a high bounce rate when accessed by phone users. The opportunity cost to your business is tremendous.

  • Leverage mobile traffic

    Tap into a growing source of internet traffic when you optimize your website for mobile devices.

  • Quality UX/UI on your site

    People take their mobile devices everywhere. You have a number of ways to attract their attention wherever they are and keep them engaged.

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