Online Marketing Software as a Service (SaaS)

Mike Angel • Nov 27, 2020

Work more efficiently and effectively

Once you’ve accepted that SEO and online marketing are potent tools you can use to promote greater brand visibility, reach targeted customer audiences, and gain greater market capitalization, you’ll want to give some thought to implementing Digital Marketing Software as a Service (SaaS).  Can an Online Marketing SaaS help me with my SEO and online marketing?


You ask how.  First let’s start with some of the rules and best practices you’ll need to adhere to in order to promote your brand in the best light and ultimately gain traction in the online marketplace(s) you’re trying to reach.

Maybe you’re starting your campaign by writing copy for a landing page. Keywords are like flowers and site visitors are your bees. Naturally you should go wild and plant rows and rows of flowers in your copy, right? The answer is a resounding no. Landing pages that overly heavy in targeted keywords aren’t likely to index well in top search engines.

A paid search campaign on Google or another search engine is another flower you can use to attract more bees.  When conducting a paid search campaign (AKA pay-per-click), your character count is capped. Exceeding it is not allowed.

Social media ads are another way to energize your online marketing campaign. They target your desired audience with amazing precision. Outlets like Instagram also have rules for ads you must follow. You can only capitalize so many words in your post. Emoji is also limited.

The aforementioned are just several examples of the tools you can leverage when doing SEO and online marketing. They are by no means an exhaustive guide. Nor is the above a full mention of all the rules and best practices.  Whether you’re implementing them or anything else related to SEO and online marketing, they give you a lot to think about and do correctly. This is where SAAS really shines.

Many, and in some cases all of the rules and best practices, can be automated. This eliminates the worry over entering too many characters in your paid search campaign. The tagSonar SaaS will keep track of character counts & styling.

Even if you’re an SEO savant, our SaaS allows you to work more efficiently and effectively.  Come see how tagSonar can help your business leverage SaaS.

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